The People's Choice - Sussex
The People's Choice - Sussex 

Statement of Purpose


The People’s Choice Sussex Ltd.’s aims:


• To deliver person centred services

To provide person-centred support in ways which have positive outcomes for our clients and promotes their active participation. We will continue in our mission to uphold and support the rights, choices, independence and quality of life of our service users.


• To focus on outcomes

We aim to deliver outcome focussed services that are developed to support individuals to achieve their own goals, wishes and aspirations.


• To work for the comprehensive welfare of our service users

We aim to provide packages of support for each client that contributes to his or her overall needs and preferences.


• To work in partnership

We aim to work in partnership with clients, their representatives and carers and other professionals to deliver a seamless service that maximises the individual’s choice, control and independence.


• To provide quality services

We are wholeheartedly committed to providing top quality services and to continuous improvement in the level of support we offer through effective measurement, reviews and subsequent implementation of changes.


. Equality & Diversity

We are committed to achieving a working environment which provides equality of opportunity and respect for diversity.



The People's Choice Sussex Ltd.

Unit 8 Newhaven Enterprise Centre, Denton Island, Newhaven, BN9 9BA

01273 031978

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